Galaxy Interactive Tours

Interactive tours are a way to walk through Galaxy, following a set of steps to accomplish a task or learn a feature. In this course, we will learn to create a Galaxy Interactive Tour and add it in a Galaxy Instance.


  • Discover what is a Galaxy Interactive Tour
  • Be able to create a Galaxy Interactive Tour
  • Be able to add a Galaxy Interactive Tour in a Galaxy instance

What are Galaxy Interactive Tours?

Interactive tours are a way to walk through Galaxy, following a set of steps to accomplish a task or learn a feature. Galaxy Tour Demo' Zoom

The list of supported interactive tours on any server can be found in the Help menu. Help Menu Tours Menu


How to create a Galaxy Interactive Tour?

An Interactive Tour is easy to create: just a YAML file to fill

id: galaxy_ui
name: Galaxy UI
description: A gentle introduction to the Galaxy User Interface
title_default: "Welcome to Galaxy"

# A tour is made of several steps, each of them beginning with a dash '-'
    # 'title's will be displayed in the header of each step-container
    # If you don't specify any title, a default title is used, defined above.
    - title: "Welcome to Galaxy"
      # 'content' is the actual text that is shown to the user
      content: "This short tour will guide you through Galaxy's user interface.<br>
                You can navigate with your arrow keys and leave the tour at any time point with 'Escape' or the 'End tour' button."
      # backdrop is just one of many properties you can attach to one step-container,
      # a full reference can be found at
      backdrop: true

    # 'element' is the JQuery Selector ( of the element you want to describe
    # In this case we want to highlight the Upload button with the `.upload-button` selector
    - title: "Upload your data"
      element: ".upload-button"
      intro: "Galaxy supports many ways to get in your data.<br>
              Use this button to upload your data."
      # position of the text box relative to the selected element
      position: "right"
      # You can trigger click() events on arbitrary elements before (preclick) or after (postclick) the element is shown
        - ".upload-button"

    - title: "Upload your data"
      element: "#btn-local"
      intro: "You can upload data from your computer."
      position: "top"
        - "#btn-new"

    - title: "Upload your data"
      element: "#btn-new"
      intro: "Copy and paste data directly into Galaxy or include URLs that lead to your data"
      position: "top"
id: galaxy_ui
name: Galaxy UI
description: A gentle introduction to the Galaxy User Interface
title_default: "Welcome to Galaxy"

Tours List

Content of the YAML: Steps of the Tour

# A tour is made of several steps, each of them beginning with a dash '-'
    - title: "Welcome to Galaxy"
      content: "This short tour will guide you through Galaxy's user interface.<br>
                You can navigate with your arrow keys and leave the tour at any
                time point with 'Escape' or the 'End tour' button."
      backdrop: true
    - title: "Upload your data"
      element: ".upload-button"
      content: "Galaxy supports many ways to get in your data.<br>
               Use this button to upload your data."
      placement: "right"
        - ".upload-button"

Definition of a step

Argument Description
title Header of each step-container
content Text that is shown to the user
element JQuery Selector of the element you want to describe / click
placement Placement of the text box relative to the selected element
preclick or postclick Elements that recieve a click() event before (preclick) or after (postclick) the step is shown
textinsert Text to insert if element is a text box (e.g. tool search or upload)
backdrop true/false: Show a dark backdrop behind the popover and its element, highlighting the current step

See full reference of the properties

Step: “Welcome to Galaxy” Step: “Upload your data”
01 02

How to obtain the JQuery Selector of the element?

Interactive Tour Element Grabbing' Zoom

How integrate Interactive Tours in your Galaxy instance?

  • Select a YAML file
  • Copy it to your tours directory or your Galaxy instance
    • default: config/plugins/tours
    • configurable via tour_config_dir in galaxy.ini
  • Restart Galaxy or reload the tour with the API

Example YAML file