MLLP Classes

class hl7apy.mllp.MLLPServer(host, port, handlers, timeout=10)

A TCPServer subclass that implements an MLLP server. It receives MLLP-encoded HL7 and redirects them to the correct handler, according to the handlers dictionary passed in.

The handlers dictionary is structured as follows. Every key represents a message type (i.e., the MSH.9) to handle, and the associated value is a tuple containing a subclass of AbstractHandler for that message type and additional arguments to pass to its constructor.

It is possible to specify a special handler for errors using the ERR key. In this case the handler should subclass AbstractErrorHandler, which receives, in addition to other parameters, the raised exception as the first argument. If the special handler is not specified the server will just close the connection.

The class allows to specify the timeout to wait before closing the connection.

  • host – the address of the listener
  • port – the port of the listener
  • handlers – the dictionary that specifies the handler classes for every kind of supported message.
  • timeout – the timeout for the requests
class hl7apy.mllp.AbstractHandler(message)

Abstract transaction handler. Handlers should implement the reply() method which handle the incoming message. The incoming message is accessible using the attribute incoming_message

Parameters:message – the ER7-formatted HL7 message to handle

Abstract method. It should implement the handling of the request message and return the response.

class hl7apy.mllp.AbstractErrorHandler(exc, message)

Abstract transaction handler for errors. It receives also the instance of the exception occurred, which will be accessible through the exc attribute. Specific exceptions that can be handled are UnsupportedMessageType and InvalidHL7Message

Parameters:exc – the Exception occurred

Abstract method. It should implement the handling of the request message and return the response.