Orchestrator API



Source code for dispatcher.settings

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2015 CRS4
# All Rights Reserved.
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    :copyright: |copy| 2015 by CRS4.
    :license: gpl-2, see License for more details.


    Settings file, used to configure the main Flask app.

    This configuration provides three classes:

    + :class:`Config` defines attributes for a global behaviour
    + :class:`ProductionConfig` defines and set attributes to use only in a\
            stable environment ( like a loggin level not pushed to extreme )
    + :class:`DevelopmentConfig` defines and set attrs only for a dev environment

    There is also another class, :class:`CloudConfig` contains credentials and\
    url of the favorite cloud providers


from dispatcher.lib import Provider

                'WARN': 30,
                'INFO': 20

[docs]class Config(object): """ Main configuration class, is intended to be used as a base class to inheritate """ # WHERE THE WEB SERVICE SHOULD LISTEN HOST = '' PORT = 5050 SECRET_KEY = 'dev key pass foobar 1 2 3' # ### DB CONNECTION SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////tmp/auth.db' LOG_FILE = "/tmp/middleware.log" LOG_LEVEL = LOGGIN_LEVEL['DEBUG'] # security SECURITY_REGISTERABLE = False SECURITY_URL_PREFIX = "/api/v1/auth" SECURITY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_HEADER = "X-Auth-Token" #Defaults: Authentication-Token SECURITY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_KEY = 'auth_token' # SECURITY_TRACKABLE = True # ### CISTERN CONNECTION SETTINGS CISTERN_HOST = '' CISTERN_PORT = 5051 CISTERN_API = 'v1'
[docs]class ProductionConfig(Config): """ Production settings """ DEBUG = False TESTING = False LOG_LEVEL = LOGGIN_LEVEL['INFO']
[docs]class DevelopmentConfig(Config): """ Development settings """ DEBUG = True TESTING = True LOG_FILE = "/tmp/middleware_dev.log" LOG_LEVEL = LOGGIN_LEVEL['DEBUG']
[docs]class CloudConfig(object): CLOUD_FARM = {'default': {'ENGINE': Provider.OPENSTACK, 'USER': 'admin', 'PASSWORD': 'secrete', 'EXTRA_PARAMS': {'ex_force_auth_url': 'http://openstack.crs4.it:5000/v2.0', 'ex_force_auth_version': '2.0_password', 'ex_tenant_name': 'demo', # if used in a multi region is mandatory a line with # an explainatory region. # ex_force_service_region' : 'regionOne' } }, 'fake_driver': { 'ENGINE': Provider.DUMMY # this driver emulates a cloud }, 'eucalyptus': { 'ENGINE' : Provider.EUCALYPTUS, 'USER' : 'AKIMONBMNDMODZKP4SIX', # EC2_ACCESS_KEY 'PASSWORD' : 'SlHFB5isHdqAAwMtTZT4fSB1KKeuAclcwIbgSZIv', 'EXTRA_PARAMS': { 'host': "eucalyptus.ecc.eucalyptus.com", 'secure' : False, 'port' : 8773, 'path' : "/services/Eucalyptus" } } }
