Orchestrator API



Source code for dispatcher.lib.cloud_init

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2015 CRS4
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
#    obtain a copy of the License at
#         http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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    .. include:: isonum.txt

    :copyright: |copy| 2015 by CRS4.
    :license: gpl-2, see License for more details.

    cloud initialization script.

      it's not supposed to be used directly nor imported.


import logging
import libcloud.security

from dispatcher.lib.cloud_factory import get_driver
from dispatcher.lib.helpers import MiddlewareException
from dispatcher.lib.constants import Const as const

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DriverNode(object): """ Single cloud driver """ def _activate_connection(self): """ a fake connection to stimulate the propagation of real values like driver.host """ try: nodes = self.driver.list_nodes() except Exception as e: pass def __init__(self, name, driver, data): self.name = name self.data = data self.type = driver.type or name self.driver = driver self._activate_connection() self.host = driver.connection.host def __str__(self): return "<%s - %s Node connector>" % (self.name, self.type)
[docs]class CloudPool(object): """ Handle the application cloud pool. ToDo: It is likely this is the best place to implement a route over clouds so this could be the best place where to implement it. """ def __init__(self): self.pool = []
[docs] def add_driver(self, name, driver, data): """ Add a driver in the pool """ self.pool.append(DriverNode(name, driver, data))
[docs] def remove_driver(self, name): """ Remove a driver from the pool """ cloud_to_pop = None for cloud in self.pool: if cloud.name == name: cloud_to_pop = cloud try: return self.pool.pop(self.pool.index(cloud_to_pop)) except Exception as e: return None
[docs] def hard_refresh(self, pool): load_environment(pool)
[docs] def soft_refresh(self, name): cloud_to_refresh = self.remove_driver(name) data = cloud_to_refresh.data engine = data.get('ENGINE', '') driver_class = get_driver(engine) # add here your custom driver driver = driver_class(data) connector = driver.connect() self.add_driver(name, connector, data)
[docs] def refresh_driver(self, settings=None, name="None", soft_refresh=True): LOG.debug('Refresh routine') if soft_refresh: if name: self.soft_refresh(name) return True else: if settings: self.hard_refresh(settings) return True LOG.error('Refresh error') return False
def __getitem__(self, item): """ a gentle approach to get a driver """ if isinstance(item, int): return self.pool[item] if isinstance(item, str) or isinstance(item, unicode): for cloud in self.pool: if cloud.name == item: return cloud raise MiddlewareException(const.cloud_or_invalid_path, 'json', state=const.ERROR, code=500) # return None
[docs]def prepare_pool_dict(data): """ support routine """ settings_list = [] default = data.get('default', '') if default: settings_list.append({'default': data.pop('default')}) for other_setting in data: settings_list.append({other_setting: data.get(other_setting)}) return settings_list
[docs]def load_environment(pool): """ Read from configuration and load """ cloud_pool = CloudPool() ordered_cloud_access = prepare_pool_dict(pool.copy()) for cloud in ordered_cloud_access: name, data = cloud.items()[0] engine = data.get('ENGINE', '') driver_class = get_driver(engine) # add here your custom driver driver = driver_class(data) connector = driver.connect() cloud_pool.add_driver(name, connector, data) return cloud_pool
[docs]def prepare_cloud_environment(pool): """ Initialize and prepare cloud pool """ cloud_pool = load_environment(pool) return cloud_pool
